This short article appeared in an issue of Incredibly Strange Games as part of an evening of Strange Games held on March 25th, 2017 at Seattle’s Fuse Box.
Kelsey Grammer is a right-wing sociopath who hates his audience. On Frasier, he plays a liberal elitist who fumbles his way through life thanks to his pampered upbringing and thought himself a “doctor” who practices the “art” of “psychology” and never seems to be able to cure anyone, least of all himself. It is Grammer slyly mocking those he loathes. If you haven’t read the origin of the theme song, let composer Bruce Miller summarize it for you:
“Hey baby I hear the blues a-callin”-refers to patients with troubles calling into the radio show
“Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs”
“But maybe I seem a bit confused”-Frasier’s personality was a bit????
“Maybe, but I got you pegged”-Frasier does understand these people and helps them.
“But I don’t know what to do with those Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs”-it’s a tough business….gotta deal with these “crazies” every day.
“They’re calling again”-oh, oh….should be self explanatory.
Right, so Grammer hates his audience. And the character he plays, Dr. Frasier Crane, hates his audience, too.
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